Typographia 2020: How to Michael Bierut
A conceptual project is not a real event, but I wish it were an actual event.
This project was to create an identity kit for the event that would feature a designer, in this case, Michael Bierut. It consists of one promotional poster, a biographical brochure and pieces of the artist's work, a t-shirt advertising the event, and a souvenir, and a booth design where the designer would meet people. For this event, the target audience is designers or people interested in design. Meaning that concept of this project is from Bierut's personality from his speeches and work. For this project, I wanted to challenge myself and embody minimalist and bold elements, as seen in Bierut's work. Besides, add a rounded abstract component to demonstrate Bierut's personality as in his speech have this bubbly, fun, and approachable aura. His speeches tend to reveal his sketches from his composition book, so I wanted to connect the viewer with him by using the concept of a composition notebook in the brochure and using the notebook pattern on the other properties for it to be uniform and in the brand. As for the t-shirt, it was created to interact with each other and make it memorable. In events, pictures are taken, and when people are together, the t-shirt created a pattern which it's memorable. It can be advertised on Instagram and show a sense of unity between people and design.